Tuesday, May 22, 2007

ten days and counting...

Thank you everyone for your prayers. It is such a blessing to be lifted up in prayers by the body of Christ!

My last couple of days here in the US have been useful in preparing and saying goodbye to friends and family.

However, the last couple of days have really been a spiritual battle in my mind. Through talking with some people, I began to accept a spirit of fear into my life. Fear of unknowns, fear and guilt of leaving my family with their trials, fear of physical harm. God showed me (through a sister in Christ) that we have victory in Him and His word is our weapon to fight such battles. Here are some promises God gives us:

God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline (II Timothy 1:7).

Great peace have they who love your law and nothing can make them stumble. (Psalm 119:165)

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you. (John 15:7).

It is crucial for us to remain plugged into God, our source. Apart from Him we can do nothing. Apart from Him, we're more susceptible for the schemes of the evil one.

Here are some specific things to be praying for:
*Unity, humility and love in the group of WHM interns and missionaries.
*Safety in travel - both in flight and on Ugandan roads - they can be dangerous.
*The advancement of God's kingdom! That people will come to know Christ through saving faith in Him.


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